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n. 1 (context surgery English) A corrective surgical procedure to straighten a deviated septum. 2 (context surgery English) A surgical procedure to harvest cartilage from the nasal septum to be used as grafting material.


Septoplasty [sep′tō·plas′tē] (Etymology: L, saeptum, septum; Gk, πλάσσειν plassein – to shape), or alternatively submucous septal resection and septal reconstruction, is a corrective surgical procedure done to straighten the nasal septum, the partition between the two nasal cavities. Ideally, the septum should run down the center of the nose. When it deviates into one of the cavities, it narrows that cavity and impedes airflow. Deviated nasal septum or “crooked” internal nose can occur at childbirth or as the result of an injury or other trauma. If the wall that functions as a separator of both sides of the nose is tilted towards one side at a degree greater than 50%, it might causes difficulty breathing. Often the inferior turbinate on the opposite side enlarges, which is termed compensatory hypertrophy. Deviations of the septum can lead to nasal obstruction. Most surgeries are completed in 60 minutes or less, while the recovery time could be up to several weeks. Septoplasty is sometimes done with rhinoplasty for cosmetic correction of the deformities of the external nasal framework.