The Collaborative International Dictionary
Septfoil \Sept"foil\, n. [F. sept seven (L. septem) + E. foil leaf: cf. L. septifolium.]
(Bot.) A European herb, the tormentil. See Tormentil.
(Arch.) An ornamental foliation having seven lobes. Cf. Cinquefoil, Quarterfoil, and Trefoil.
(Eccl.Art.) A typical figure, consisting of seven equal segments of a circle, used to denote the gifts of the Holy Chost, the seven sacraments as recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, etc. [R.]
n. 1 (context architecture English) a symmetrical shape which forms the overall outline of seven partially-overlapping circles of the same diameter. 2 (context heraldiccharge English) A stylized flower or leaf with seven lobes.