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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Septembrist \Sep*tem"brist\, n. [F. septembriste.] An agent in the massacres in Paris, committed in patriotic frenzy, on the 22d of September, 1792.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1798 in reference to French history, a participant in the massacre of the political prisoners in Paris, Sept. 2-5, 1792. In French, Septembriseur, hence English Septembriser (1797). Hence also septembrize "assassinate while in custody" (1793).

Usage examples of "septembrist".

If Hel has to be terminated to assure the success of the Septembrists skyjacking then, yes, I shall take some personal satisfaction in that.

British, of terminating the Black Septembrists, and of being back in France in time for a luncheon engagement.

The Mother Company will bring pressure upon the British government to spare no effort in protecting the Black Septembrists involved in the Munich Olympics debacle.

It is inconceivable that Hel would try to enter England to put the Septembrists away without first neutralizing the British police.

Obviously, you need my help in the unlikely event that all the machines you have set into motion fail, and Hel manages to put the Septembrists away.

Is it possible that you would rather see all your devices fail and Nicholai Hel somehow break through and hit the Septembrists, freeing you to devise and execute a maximal punishment for him?

Two Japanese men, subsequently identified from papers on their persons as Red Army members working in behalf of the Black Septembrists, opened fire with automatic weapons, killing two young Israeli men, whose identities are being withheld.

He learned that the last remaining two of the Munich murderers were with a group of Black Septembrists planning to hijack a plane departing from Heathrow.

The appearance of Japanese Red Army fanatics would seem to point to Septembrists, who often use others to do their dangerous work, having little appetite for personal risk.

You said that the Black Septembrists were intending to hijack a plane from Heathrow.

I assume that Miss Stern has asked you to help her kill the Septembrists now in London?

But, fortunately for you, the Chairman of the Mother Company is adamant that the Septembrists go unmolested.

He was going to question her about her decision concerning the Septembrists, when his attention was arrested by the approach of a car from behind driving with only wing lights.

Once those Septembrists have accomplished their hijack, the pressure will be off you.

He had decided to tell the Mother Company that Hannah Stern had decided to return home, leaving the Septembrists unmolested.