Seoige is an Irish television chat show. The show, hosted by sisters Gráinne and Sile Seoige, was broadcast live on weekdays at 16:30 on RTÉ One, with a hiatus in the summer months. Episodes were repeated at 08:20 the following weekday morning on the same channel.
The programme was originally launched in 2006 as Seoige and O'Shea with Grainne Seoige and Joe O'Shea at the helm. It followed a similar format to ITV's This Morning programme. Moving between serious issues and lighter subjects, content included interviews, debates and musical performances. Viewers could call, text or e-mail the programme's studio to give their opinions on topics. The presenters chatted with four sets of guests, which consisted of interviewees, discussion groups and musical artists.
The show was rebranded Seoige in August 2008 after Joe O'Shea announced he was leaving RTÉ to pursue a career in radio broadcasting. RTÉ announced on 21 April 2009 that the show would be cancelled and that the last show would air on Friday 24 April 2009. A new series will not be commissioned for the autumn of 2009.