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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sententious \Sen*ten"tious\, a.[L. sentenciosus: cf. F. sentencieux.]

  1. Abounding with sentences, axioms, and maxims; full of meaning; terse and energetic in expression; pithy; as, a sententious style or discourse; sententious truth.

    How he apes his sire, Ambitiously sententious!

  2. Comprising or representing sentences; sentential. [Obs.] ``Sententious marks.''
    --Grew. [1913 Webster] -- Sen*ten"tious*ly, adv. -- Sen*ten"tious*ness, n.


n. The state or condition of being sententious.

Usage examples of "sententiousness".

We have remarked before on the tendency of all Senecan dramas to sententiousness and argument, than which nothing could be less poetical.

Unless dissolving into the void with no congruousness is equal to continuing on with sententiousness.