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n. (plural of sentence English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: sentence)


The Four Books of Sentences'' (Libri Quattuor Sententiarum'') is a book of theology written by Peter Lombard in the 12th century. It is a systematic compilation of theology, written around 1150; it derives its name from the sententiae or authoritative statements on biblical passages that it gathered together.

Sentences (composition)

Sentences is an oratorio for countertenor and orchestra based on the life and work of the logician Alan Turing. It was written by the American composer Nico Muhly with a libretto by Adam Gopnik. The work was commissioned by the Britten Sinfonia and was first performed on June 6, 2015 by the countertenor Iestyn Davies and the Britten Sinfonia under Muhly.

Usage examples of "sentences".

Anglo-Saxon element supplies the essential parts of speech, the article, pronoun of all kinds, the preposition, the auxiliary verbs, the conjunctions, and the little particles which bind words into sentences and form the joints, sinews and ligaments of the language.

The attentive reader will have noticed that most of the Quenya sentences above are organized in the same manner.

It forbids, on the one hand, all long and involved sentences, and, on the other, those that are too short and abrupt.

English language correctly, it is imperative that the fundamental principles of the Grammar be mastered, for no matter how much we may read of the best authors, no matter how much we may associate with and imitate the best speakers, if we do not know the underlying principles of the correct formation of sentences and the relation of words to one another, we will be to a great extent like the parrot, that merely repeats what it hears without understanding the import of what is said.

By ignoring this principle many sentences are made, if not nonsensical, really ridiculous and ludicrous.

However the general rule may be laid down that short sentences are preferable to long ones.

The tendency of the best writers of the present day is towards short, snappy, pithy sentences which rivet the attention of the reader.

These two sentences have no connection and therefore should occupy separate and distinct places.

When we fall into the error of constructing such sentences as above, we should take them apart and reconstruct them in a different grammatical form.

Read the best books you can get, books written by men and women who are acknowledged masters of language, and study how they use their words, where they place them in the sentences, and the meanings they convey to the readers.

Ideas that have but little connection should be expressed in separate sentences, and not crowded into one.

Keep a notebook and jot down words, phrases, sentences that are in any way striking or out of the ordinary run.

Ultimately seven were tried and given sentences of from five to twenty years.

Judge Kaufman had conferred with the prosecutors secretly about the sentences he would give in the case.

When John Lewis, a young Alabama-born SNCC leader, much arrested, much beaten, tried to introduce a stronger note of outrage at the meeting, he was censored by the leaders of the march, who insisted he omit certain sentences critical of the national government and urging militant action.