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n. (plural of sensuality English)

Usage examples of "sensualities".

Now, take any race of animals, confine them in idleness and inaction, whether in a stye, a stable, or a state room, pamper them with high diet, gratify all their sexual appetites, immerse them in sensualities, nourish their passions, let every thing bend before them, and banish whatever might lead them to think, and in a few generations they become all body and no mind: and this, too, by a law of nature, by that very law by which we are in the constant practice of changing the characters and propensities of the animals we raise for our own purposes.

You will find it as difficult to inculcate these sanative precepts on the sensualities of the present day, as to convince an Athanasian that there is but one God.

Then he stretched out on his side, propped on one elbow like a Roman in his sensualities, sucked the rye through the nipple, and listened to a medley of Beethoven, Moussorgsky, Verdi, Strauss, Porter, Fein-stein, and Waxworth.

A stronghold as much as a dwelling, Ernhurst offered few of the comforts, none of the sensualities in mansions and apartments everywhere else.

They renounce the world, towns, sensualities, pleasures, vanities, pride, interests.

You are a prelate, -- revenues, palace, horses, servants, good table, all the sensualities of life.

She confused in her desire the sensualities of luxury with the delights of the heart, elegance of manners with delicacy of sentiment.

Here the human soul is stripped of its civilized veneer, and layers of experience are peeled back with ferocious skill -- to reveal the depths of the private oppressions, sensualities and neuroses of our time and the overpowering evil to which modern man can descend.