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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sensualistic \Sen`su*al*is"tic\, a.

  1. Sensual.

  2. Adopting or teaching the doctrines of sensualism.


a. 1 sensual 2 Adopting or teaching the doctrines of sensualism.

Usage examples of "sensualistic".

The outcry was so erotic, so sensualistic, that she cried out with him.

To date, I had stolen, lied, deceived, dissembled and burgled, I had used the weakness of a relative to winkle information out of him, I had scarcely talked to my God for two weeks and I had used the works of the Unsaved almost as they did themselves, telephoning, travelling by car and bus and train and plane, entering retail premises and spending an entire evening enjoying a large proportion of all the exorbitantly hedonistic delights one of the world's largest cities could provide, though admittedly this last sin had been while in the company of a forceful and determinedly sensualistic relative from an alien culture where the pursuit of fun, profit and self-fulfilment was regarded practically as a commandment.