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a. sensationalist


adj. typical of tabloids; "sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal"; "yellow journalism" [syn: scandalmongering, yellow(a)]

Usage examples of "sensationalistic".

But three days of sensationalistic journalism, it turned out, was long enough to cost Zinnia much of the design business that she had labored so hard to build after the fall of Spring Industries.

And when we look at journalism in Victorian England, we find it to be a freewheeling, sensationalistic business in which truth and restraint were often sacrificed in service of a big story.

If we do, we play right into the hands of the tabloid and sensationalistic media and are no better than they are.

Other Side the entire near-death cliche that was a staple of sensationalistic supermarket tabloids.

The newspapers and TV were still filled with sensationalistic stories about the murdered father, child, and nanny.

Numerous sensationalistic stories appeared in the media, largely orchestrated by the ADL, Political Research Associates (PRA), and the SPLC.