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n. (plural of sennight English)

Usage examples of "sennights".

They followed his smaller group of retainers who had accompanied him back two sennights ago.

He drew his lips in thoughtfully at the prospect, one he had been weighing these two sennights since his return.

She now had three sennights to prepare for her wedding, and Eirik's eventual discovery of her deceit.

Eadyth said dryly to Tykir Thorksson, who sat next to her on the dais at her wedding feast three sennights later day.

The answer is nay, but I have resigned myself to the marriage in the three sennights of Eadyth's absence," he said warily.

Since her departure three sennights, ago, their numbers had increased dramatically, no doubt due to the spreading word of the master's return and betrothal.

Could he risk making love to Eadyth and possibly planting his seed in her womb when there was even the remotest possibility that her charade these past few sennights connected somehow with Steven of Gravely?

He had not bedded a woman for many, many sennights, and his body craved satisfaction between a woman's thighs.

And he had been without a woman since before his betrothal, ten sennights ago.

Rona told me you brought a prisoner back from Stone Valley two sennights ago—a Norseman—and that you are holding him against his will.

He'd suffered much these past sennights, trying to find a way to stay in her time.