Sengar are a clan of Rajputs.
The area of Lateri in present-day Madhya Pradesh was once ruled by the Sengars, whose livelihood was derived primarily from looting and plundering and was reflected in the name of their capital, Looteri. In what is now Uttar Pradesh, the principal town of the Lakhnesar pargana during the medieval period was Rasra. When the Sengars opposed British activities in 1812, Colonel Martindell came with a troop of sepoys to quell them, but the Sengars attacked the marching sepoys on Great Deccan Road and several were killed. The Sengars then plundered the area. Siddiqui considers this act of attacking British forces to be a part of the movement for independence of India.
In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the Sengars were among those communities that practised infanticide and, in particular, female infanticide in Bundelkhand, an area that is now split between the states of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.