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n. (plural of seneschal English)

Usage examples of "seneschals".

And standing among the Garda Stellates, the Lord Convocators, Grouin's seneschals, was my brother.

It was an impressive sight, for there were over four hundred people gathered to welcome them: cooks and Charis and stewards, couriers, ushers and attendants, manservants, maidservants, chamberlains, seneschals and advisors of various rank, and each with a specific charge and place in Seithenin’s household.

He greeted Avallach and, after a brief consultation, sent his seneschals scurrying back into the palace.

They were being greeted by two bowing seneschals in silver and then directed toward the roped areas by polite ushers.

There seemed to be more than a hundred of them, including the seneschals, heralds and guards.

If we didn't want to be surrounded by seneschals and chamberlains and 'fawnies,' as Rattle-Eye once called them, at least we wanted neighbours.

On either side of the young prince rode the two seneschals of Aquitaine, Sir Guiscard d'Angle and Sir Stephen Cossington, the one bearing the banner of the province and the other that of Saint George.

And, eventually, those seneschals would realize that, had it truly been Osric behind the power that answered their prayers, then three T'lan Imass warriors would not have been enough - not nearly enough.