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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Semitranslucent \Sem`i*trans*lu"cent\, a. Slightly clear; transmitting light in a slight degree.


a. Slightly clear; allowing a small amount of light to pass through.

Usage examples of "semitranslucent".

Inside was a sheet of stiff, cream-colored notepaper folded in half over a small square of flimsy semitranslucent tissue with a hyphenated number imprinted on it.

With a click, the door of dense, semitranslucent material swung outward on counterbalanced hinges.

It hovered for a moment, semitranslucent wings converting the sunlight pouring through the window into pale shades of light blue and pink, before taking off like a rocket through the privacy curtain.

It was a grayish-tan, semitranslucent liquid about the consistency of thin gravy.

Trails of semitranslucent wax had hardened in middrip down the side of the brass candlestick, like stopped time.

It was a thick, sticky paste, semitranslucent like crystallized honey, with white crystals of sugar in it.

He could see much of it, for the queen wore a sleeveless form-fitting tunic with a neckline plunging down between her breasts to just above her navel, and a long flowing semitranslucent skirt.

Parian marble, a semitranslucent stone quarried in Greece and popular among sculptors for its whiteness, to Belgian Black, which smells like rotten eggs when it is cut.

He could see his legs and feet through its semitranslucent surface, and felt its passage as a warm, vaguely tickling sensation.

Neptunian polymer armor, gleaming like statues of blue glass, and seething with strands and globules of complex brain matter and neurocircuitry throughout their lengths, visible beneath the semitranslucent skin.

Peering warily through, he saw what seemed to be a broad open court, grass-carpeted, surrounded by a circular wall of the green semitranslucent substance.

As old and frail as the Master of Sinanju appeared, under the wrinkles and semitranslucent skin, he was a human dynamo.

It was like a huge lump of quivering, semitranslucent jelly and it lived.

Is it because there is always delight in the semitranslucent mystery, the flowing charshaf, through which the flesh and the eye you alone are elected to know smile in passing at you alone?