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a. Somewhat, but not entirely, public.


adj. having some of the features of public institution

Usage examples of "semipublic".

Your being a semipublic figure and having a bunch of murderers knowing you’re back in town?

Listened and watched carefully, though he had known for ages now that the secrets of the bedroom were for the most part very dull, like those films made by scientific researchers whose excruciatingly patient cameras dutifully record the writhings of pajamaed volunteers in semipublic sleep, the sleepers now and then twitching and generating brain waves with the onset of dreams.

That he could readily find out about many semipublic scrapes—the ones that had appeared in various newsvid shows—didn't surprise her.

That he could readily find out about many semipublic scrapes—the ones that had appeared in various newsvid shows—didn't surprise her.