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a. Not entirely literate; having a limited grasp of the written language

  1. adj. literate but poorly informed

  2. barely able to read and write; "an semiliterate scrawl"

  3. able to read but not to write

Usage examples of "semiliterate".

According to lovingly nurtured liberal mythology, McCarthy recklessly hauled a semiliterate black washwoman before the committee and accused her of being a Communist.

I know you have better sense than to become involved with some gallant, semiliterate country boy.

Fields realized he was only semiliterate, bordering on illiterate, and thought how odd it must be to work among books every night without such a basic power.

A week later began a series of semiliterate, petulant letters from Cousin Bill.

I was exhausted, I was frostbitten, and I found my camp empty except for a semiliterate letter from Berne.

Lebanon, the CIA, with all its power and resources, spy satellites, intelligence and infiltration, has never been able to discover where a semiliterate, ragtag band of terrorists was holding them.

Nor to cremate the head and body, then casually send the ashes to Rome with a short, semiliterate note of explanation!

This is a stupid film, filled with breathtaking adolescent electronic and computer technique, all in service of a story created by semiliterate children at recess time, children who cannot sit still long enough in class to learn anything.

Ratchip had forwarded a handful of semiliterate messages from delirious garners, praising Skullpulper in what passed for gushing flattery.

When sober, he was semiliterate and fancied himself as a tortured poet and essayist.

Undaunted, I burst out with questions like whether he preferred Panama Red or Acapulco Gold and how the fuck did we manage to fit inside of a tiny post office box and other things a propos a naive young semiliterate dropout hippy writer.