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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Semibarbaric \Sem`i*bar*bar"ic\, a. Half barbarous or uncivilized; as, semibarbaric display.


a. Somewhat barbaric.

Usage examples of "semibarbaric".

Their form and phrasing are as they are in part to placate the fearful, semibarbaric masses of that time.

They had whispered horrible anecdotes of the brutal deflowering of brides by drunken or callous husbands, spoken often of the stark cruelty of the semibarbaric northerners and of the everyday, commonplace lack of culture and general discomfort of life in the primitive land to which she would so soon be borne.

No Alexander of Macedon with his semibarbaric lusts, no Roman Empire, no Constantinople to act as a barrier between Asia and Europe.

Lifting back the lid of one of the small metal-banded wooden chests that floated like carracks among the coins, he let his gaze linger on its contents: military decorations and awards wrought in the semibarbaric and florid style of the Chlengguu.

There was no anthropologist aboard to study the semibarbaric civilization of the natives.