Sematext, a globally distributed organization, builds cloud and on-premises systems for application-performance monitoring, alerting and anomaly detection; centralized logging, log management and analytics; site-search analytics, and search enhancement. The company also provides search and Big Data consulting services and offers 24/7 production support and training for Solr and Elasticsearch to clients worldwide. The company markets its core products to engineers and DevOps, and its services to organizations using Elasticsearch, Solr, Lucene, Hadoop, HBase, Docker, Spark, Kafka, and many other platforms. Otis Gospodnetić (the co-author of Lucene in Action, the founder of Simpy, and committer on Lucene, Solr, Nutch, Apache Mahout, and Open Relevance projects) founded Sematext. Privately held, Sematext has its headquarters in Brooklyn, NY.