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adv. In the manner of or referring to semantics.


adv. with regard to meaning; "semantically empty messages"

Usage examples of "semantically".

The first is plausible enough semantically but doubtful on phonological grounds.

Morphology Most words of Arabic den vation are based on a triconsonantal root eg k t b which when combined with van ous patterns of vowels generates different but semantically related words and parts of speech Thus from the root k t b are derived fata* (book) fconfc (writer) katab (he wrote) yiktitb (he writes) etc While the most an cient form of Terran Arabic showed such morphological complexities as grammatical gender dual and plural numbers in addition to singular plurals formed by consonant and vowel mutation as wel!

And he even began work on this -- put together a dictionary, a syntax, set up rules of transposition, categories, hierarchies, a sort of metatheory of types semantically extended -- but then he saw that the task was an empty game not worth the effort, for nothing resulted from it but the possibility of generating those networks, checkerboards, edifices -- those crystal palaces, if you like -- built of words.

The rest could be described as onomatopoesy, semantically null but highly emotional-that is to say, cursing, pejoratives, and improbable insults in several languages-"