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semantic shift

n. (context linguistics English) A change in one of the meanings of a word over time.

Usage examples of "semantic shift".

A competing explanation is that offered by Gnvit in Kisaa u s Lexicon that muad dib is the result of a different semantic shift Gnvit notes that a legend originating on Gamma Vertis Vn concerns the apotheosis of the hetman Sharkala, m the story the ruler is transformed at his death into the constellation called Sharkala or, from his fame as a law giver The Preceptor Sneakers of Tailara worked beside the Fremen on Bela Tegeuse and the Fremen translation of preceptor is mu addib When the Fremen were transported to Rossak they retained the name of the constellation and when later they moved to Arrakis they named the kangaroo mouse after .