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a. That or who refers to itself or oneself; used as a stylistic device when done in literary works.

Usage examples of "self-referential".

Face it, the information of which most straight men are composed is monotonously self-referential: it just turns round and round forever, in the selfsame endless loop.

Confry thought the conceit might be sufficiently self-referential to win the respect of the reviewers.

That is, meaning was not simply lying around on the surface ready to be unambiguously perceived like a patch of color (the utter idiocy of empirical theories), but rather was a complex self-referential system that was profoundly context-dependent, and .

Primates already had brains large and complex enough to require self-referential cleansing.

A corollary of self-referential theory may, indeed, make that an impossibility for one confined to our world.