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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ How could she possibly know that he was wading in blood from a self-inflicted wound?
▪ An attempt to make the change will likely prove to be another self-inflicted wound for Republicans.
▪ Seven weeks had elapsed, and her self-inflicted wounds were still as raw as the day that she'd left.
▪ His body dripped blood from several self-inflicted wounds on his chest and arms.
▪ The only people who make a choice today are the ones with self-inflicted wounds, and they get shot for it.
▪ Max had been right: love is a form of madness, what the army calls a self-inflicted wound.
▪ Redman died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest.
▪ An attempt to make the change will likely prove to be another self-inflicted wound for Republicans.
▪ Farming's image looks like getting another damaging self-inflicted dent as a result of what the public perceive as wholesale tax dodging.
▪ How could she possibly know that he was wading in blood from a self-inflicted wound?
▪ So, with a self-inflicted slap on the wrist, I leave you.
▪ Stress and anxiety are often self-inflicted.
▪ The computer-equipped force suffered self-inflicted casualties more than three times higher than those in previous exercises without computers.
▪ They can also help a floundering organization extricate itself from the depths of a self-inflicted malaise.
▪ Yet this epidemic of self-inflicted slaughter seems to pass us by with little front page news in the national Press.

a. inflict by oneself.


Self-Inflicted is the 8th album by Leaether Strip.

Usage examples of "self-inflicted".

She felt more than one pang of conscience as she agreed that Wickham was, indeed, abovestairs at that very moment, and, was moreover, slightly wounded from an accidentally self-inflicted gunshot.

In other words, contemplative practice entails no genuine inquiry or observation, for it is nothing more than self-inflicted indoctrination.

There he sits, his trembling hand everywhere about us, his dim thoughts focused only on his own throbbing pain, while drops of sweat larger than supergroups of galaxies bead up on his apelike brow, rank with self-inflicted poisons.

She started to study his self-inflicted impairments properly, trying to work out what the hell she could realistically achieve.

Although the official view reported it as a suicide, whisper had it that his injuries couldn't have been self-inflicted.

Although the rebel Arab chieftain Abd-del-Kader had surrendered in 1847, an irregular warfare was kept up against the French authority by the native Kabyles, stimulated by their Mohammedan priests, and particularly through so-called "miracles," such as recovery from wounds and burns self-inflicted by the Marabouts and other fanatic devotees of the Prophet.

Like the muscle relaxant in the BetalXP (Mark II), it was to prevent self-inflicted injury and possible death.

But in the middle of the third year, loneliness had intervened: an ache that no amount of self-inflicted punishment (muscles driven to the pain threshold and beyond, day after day) could disguise.