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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ As a waiter, he had grown to despise self-important customers.
▪ He was one of those self-important little officials who made everyone call him "Sir".
▪ For some self-important reason, he felt it necessary to examine my action.
▪ He was a choleric, self-important little man.
▪ More self-indulgent self-important twaddle, the product of a rock star who really did believe his own press, his own myth.
▪ Seeing beyond overt status People become self-important to counteract and to attack the fear that they are insignificant.
▪ The chief inspector suddenly understood that the historian's self-important but indomitable spirit was housed in a broken body.
▪ The history of the world becomes brutally self-important without love.
▪ The other was older, tall as Trollope and had a surly self-important air about her.
▪ Without the royal family, titles would be just that - forms of address for the self-important to dignify themselves.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Self-important \Self`-im*por"tant\, a. Having or manifesting an exaggerated idea of one's own importance or merit.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"having or showing an exaggerated estimation of one's own importance," 1728, from self- + important. Related: Self-importance (1728).


a. Having, or behaving as if having, too high an opinion of one's own importance.


adj. having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride; "an arrogant official"; "arrogant claims"; "chesty as a peacock" [syn: arrogant, chesty]

Usage examples of "self-important".

Even during his brief forays home from his diplomatic or military duties, Gryllus had little time for boys, having constantly to attend to the comings and goings of strange men, men important and self-important, who would come to talk and argue with him far into the night.

The others in the coven were Manhattanites, self-important and concerned with position.

Then, rounding the last turn before home, he was stopped by the startling chaos before him that blocked the road and transformed his dull backwater neighborhood into the scene of a natural disaster: there were trucks and cars and monster RVs and a couple of open semitrailers and a ragtag army of intent good-looking people of all ages in baggy shorts and baseball caps, many clutching hand walkie-talkies as if the hard gray rectangles were bricks of precious metal, all moving earnestly among the tables loaded with good-looking food, the folding chairs, the cables, the light stands, with a self-important arrogance, an air of imperviousness, of brute inevitability, because, goddamn it, they were members of a goddamn movie crew.

It gives sorcerers the courage to be cunning without being conceited, and above all it gives them courage to be ruthless without being self-important.

The woman was detestably self-righteous and self-important, but a perfect treasure trove.

Any self-important notions that might have occurred to him at Kelnozz's gracious greeting were dispelled a moment later, though, when the masters came out.

The way my commanding officer put it, with devastating honesty, Commander, is that I am a self-important sonofabitch whose delicate condition is my own goddamn fault.

Marie St Jacques was a friend of mine - is a friend of mine - and her life became nothing in the eyes of self-important men who ran a covert operation that didn't give a holy damn about her and her husband.

It was possible that Vivien Duvall would enjoy a change from her aristocratic protectors with their manicured hands and self-important demeanors.

From this ignorance in some, and vanity in others, we see the monthly and diurnal publications abounding with ballads, odes, elegies, epitaphs, and allegories, the non-descript ephemera from the heated brains of self-important poetasters, all ushered into notice under the appellation of SONNET!

His voice tried hard, but the self-important fruitiness couldn't disguise the lack of substance beneath.

The position of hardware clerk in Pine Cove was highly coveted by the town's retired male population, for nowhere else could a man posture well past his prime, pontificate, and generally indulge in the arrogant self-important chest-pounding of an alpha male without having a woman intercede to remind him that he was patently full of shit.

As we chattered and ate, an assortment of small-time political pros circulated from table to table, slapping backs and gladding hands, and also we endured a procession of self-important political wives, mainly sixtyish, dumpy, and grotesquely garbed in the latest nippy-dip styles, wandering about digging their proximity to the mighty and famous.

From its initial job interview and during a few later conversations with it, I formed the opinion that it was a stable, well-integrated, if a trifle self-important, personality….

That soft little self-important innkeeper couldn’t throw Knucker out in the street, and that with him completely unconscious.