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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ As you will see, full, free self-expression is the essence of leadership.
▪ But not all choreographers had the means, resolute strength or personal charisma to forge such instruments of self-expression.
▪ In many cases, the work ethic is denigrated and impulse repression is replaced by an incitement to self-expression.
▪ One of Tan's recurring motifs is self-expression or its absence.
▪ Our day inclines to a complete frankness of self-expression.
▪ Self-awareness self-knowledge self-possession self-control self-expression.
▪ Sport is one vehicle for such self-expression.
▪ The art of self-expression becomes self-expression as art.

n. The means by which one's personal characteristics are displayed; showing one's internal beliefs or character by means of external actions/changes.


n. the expression of one's individuality (usually through creative activities)

Usage examples of "self-expression".

Self-Expression Workshop provides a safe, liberating environment where my students and I can try out a wide range of body and breathing patterns, emotions and behavior.

Dancing had become my only personal mode of self-expression, and moving to music had a mantralike effect on me.

My students are actors and nonactors who want to learn the secrets of full self-expression.

This work is aimed at helping you all get over your stagefright and connect more with the freedom and satisfaction that comes with full self-expression.

It was a form of self-expression, a strange and perhaps unfathomable notion of creative play.

To relieve the pressure of his urge for self-expression, he'd written haikus first, an understandable choice given his sympathy with Zen.

Although plebeian and monotonic, Stage I is wholesome and honest, and Hel enjoyed his time spent in that rank, regretting only that so many people are sensationally crippled by their cultures and can accept the strong, sweaty lovemaking of Stage I only when disguised as romance, love, affection, or even self-expression.

For the educatin' of those of youse what hasbeen raised too proper and upright to have everexperimented with this particular form of self-expression, let me caution youse against tryin' thisfor the first time in front of a critical audience.