n. (plural of selenite English)
Usage examples of "selenites".
I was standing nearest to the bridge, and as I did this two of the Selenites laid hold of me, and pulled me gently towards it.
The door behind us opened wider, and, glancing over my shoulder, I saw a vague large space beyond, in which quite a little crowd of Selenites were standing.
It became apparent that the source of much, at least, of the tumult of sounds which had filled our ears ever since we had recovered from the stupefaction of the fungus was a vast mass of machinery in active movement, whose flying and whirling parts were visible indistinctly over the heads and between the bodies of the Selenites who walked about us.
I think I forgot the Selenites, the mooncalves, the lid, and the noises completely so soon as I had eaten that fungus.
What the Selenites made of this amazing, and to my mind undignified irruption from another planet, I have no means of guessing.
The Selenites made way for our elephantine heavings, and seemed to twitter more volubly.
We saw that four of the Selenites standing in the doorway were much taller than the others, and clothed in the same manner as those we had seen in the crater, namely, with spiked round helmets and cylindrical body-cases, and that each of the four carried a goad with spike and guard made of that same dull-looking metal as the bowls.
Our attention was taken up by the movements and attitudes of the Selenites immediately about us, and by the necessity of controlling our motion, lest we should startle and alarm them and ourselves by some excessive stride.
At first the thing seemed only reasonably large and near to us, and then I saw how exceedingly little the Selenites upon it seemed, and I realised the full immensity of cavern and machine.
I looked from this tremendous affair to the faces of the Selenites with a new respect.
Far away across the blue wilderness of cavern I saw a number of other Selenites running towards us.
I suppose that both we and the Selenites did some very rapid thinking.
The shadows made gigantic travesties of our shapes and those of the Selenites on the irregular wall and roof of the tunnel.
I suppose you don't think these Selenites so infinitely wiser than men.
Now, these Selenites seem to be a driving, busy sort of being, but how do you know that even the most intelligent will take an interest in us or our world?