Sektor is a player character from the Mortal Kombat fighting game franchise created for Midway Games by Ed Boon and John Tobias. Making his debut in Mortal Kombat 3 in 1995, he is a member of the Lin Kuei clan of assassins who underwent transformation into cyborgs. Along with counterparts Cyrax and Smoke, Sektor was assigned to hunt down the rogue former clansman Sub-Zero, but unlike Cyrax and Smoke, Sektor never bothered to rediscover his human side and has pledged his complete loyalty to the Lin Kuei. He battles with Sub-Zero over leadership of the Lin Kuei, and also forms his own faction, the Tekunin, composed entirely of other cybernetic warriors. His backstory prior to his transformation is expanded in the 2011 Mortal Kombat'' reboot, in which he is officially seen as a human prior to automation for the first time.
Sektor has also been featured in other Mortal Kombat alternate media such as the 1996 animated series Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm and the 2011 web series Mortal Kombat: Legacy. The character has received mostly positive reception, particularly for his Fatality finishing moves and personality, but response to his gameplay has been decisively mixed.