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seizes up

vb. (en-third-person singular of: seize up)

Usage examples of "seizes up".

Its arteries coated with what looks like foie gras, it seizes up one day.

Take a sip while I stretch thisarm before it seizes up more than it already has--ah!

Take a sip while I stretch this arm before it seizes up more than it already has-- ah!

One of us seizes up and dies, and the body squats there and doesn't decay the way the tourists' do when they get shikker in a blind pig bar in downtown Houmitz and stagger out in the gutter and get knocked over by a tumbrel on the way to the casinos.

She sits on a fallen stump to collect her breath, her mind racing so quickly it almost seizes up.

And then, when you say them first my throat just seizes up and I know I should say something, but I still can't.