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n. A shaking of the Earth's surface; an earthquake or tremor.


n. shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane of from volcanic activity [syn: earthquake, quake, temblor]

Usage examples of "seism".

Behind the screen, Subutai and Seism smiled and nodded to one another over their instruments.

Skinner looked forward to analyzing the readings being recorded by Subutai and Seism, to find out just what it was the man was feeling.

Then he noticed that, eyes still on Bear, the little clinician, Seism, was edging toward the console.

Floyt looked back to Alacrity wanting to clarify matters then and there, but the breakabout was fast asleep in his chair, Subutai and Seism having cut in its soporific field.

Mike asked, sitting across the table from Frank Seism, his favorite office comrade.

Be calm, he said, these are only minor seisms which have frightened you.

Be calm, he said, these are only minor seisms which have frightened you.