Seeta (1960 film)
Seetha is a 1960 Indian Malayalam film, directed and produced by Kunchacko, based on the 1943 movie Ram Rajya by Vijay Bhatt. The film stars Prem Nazir, Kushalakumari, Thikkurissi Sukumaran Nair and Hari in lead roles. The film had musical score by V. Dakshinamoorthy.
Seeta (1934 film)
Seeta was a 1934 Indian talkie directed by Debaki Bose. It won an honorary diploma in the 2nd Venice International Film Festival in 1934 where it was the first Indian talkie to be shown at an international film festival. The film starred Gul Hamid, Prithviraj Kapoor as Rama and Durga Khote as Sita.