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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Don't be fooled by her seeming fragility.
▪ I wondered about Richard's seeming reluctance to talk about his family.
▪ The professor became frustrated by his students' seeming inability to understand simple questions.
▪ And the particulars of such a seeming unequal struggle are of little immediate help to the Kids from La Fama.
▪ I relapsed into a seeming normality.
▪ It is easy enough now to mock the film industry's seeming paranoia about the Film Society screenings.
▪ She was full of tension as her eyes searched the group with seeming casualness.
▪ Such surprise twists and seeming contradictions are typical of the man.
▪ There is within us all an urge to make order out of seeming chaos.
▪ This table also confirms the seeming decline in overall profitability during the 1980s and particularly in 1986.
▪ Though a good deal older than Privet the mole gave the impression of vigour and intelligence, talking quickly, and seeming restless.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Seem \Seem\ (s[=e]m), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Seemed (s[=e]md); p. pr. & vb. n. Seeming.] [OE. semen to seem, to become, befit, AS. s[=e]man to satisfy, pacify; akin to Icel. s[ae]ma to honor, to bear with, conform to, s[ae]mr becoming, fit, s[=o]ma to beseem, to befit, sama to beseem, semja to arrange, settle, put right, Goth. samjan to please, and to E. same. The sense is probably due to the adj. seemly. To appear, or to appear to be; to have a show or semblance; to present an appearance; to look; to strike one's apprehension or fancy as being; to be taken as. ``It now seemed probable.''

Thou picture of what thou seem'st.

All seemed well pleased; all seemed, but were not all.

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.
--Prov. xiv. 12.

It seems, it appears; it is understood as true; it is said.

A prince of Italy, it seems, entertained his mistress on a great lake.

Syn: To appear; look.

Usage: Seem, Appear. To appear has reference to a thing's being presented to our view; as, the sun appears; to seem is connected with the idea of semblance, and usually implies an inference of our mind as to the probability of a thing's being so; as, a storm seems to be coming. ``The story appears to be true,'' means that the facts, as presented, go to show its truth; ``the story seems to be true,'' means that it has the semblance of being so, and we infer that it is true. ``His first and principal care being to appear unto his people such as he would have them be, and to be such as he appeared.''
--Sir P. Sidney.

Ham. Ay, madam, it is common. Queen. If it be, Why seems it so particular with thee? Ham. Seems, madam! Nay, it is; I know not ``seems.''


Seeming \Seem"ing\, a. Having a semblance, whether with or without reality; apparent; specious; befitting; as, seeming friendship; seeming truth.

My lord, you have lost a friend indeed; And I dare swear you borrow not that face Of seeming sorrow, it is sure your own.


Seeming \Seem"ing\, n.

  1. Appearance; show; semblance; fair appearance; speciousness.

    These keep Seeming and savor all the winter long.

  2. Apprehension; judgment. [Obs.]

    Nothing more clear unto their seeming.

    His persuasive words, impregned With reason, to her seeming.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., present participle adjective from seem. Seemingly in sense of "to all appearances" recorded from 1590s.

  1. apparent n. 1 outward appearance 2 (context obsolete English) apprehension; judgement v

  2. (present participle of seem English)


adj. appearing as such but not necessarily so; "for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent"; "the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies"; "the ostensible truth of their theories"; "his seeming honesty" [syn: apparent(a), ostensible, seeming(a)]

Usage examples of "seeming".

He justly observes, that in the recent changes, both religions had been alternately disgraced by the seeming acquisition of worthless proselytes, of those votaries of the reigning purple, who could pass, without a reason, and without a blush, from the church to the temple, and from the altars of Jupiter to the sacred table of the Christians.

Nations thus tempted to interfere are not always able to resist the counsels of seeming expediency and ungenerous ambition, although measures adopted under such influences seldom fail to be unfortunate and injurious to those adopting them.

Up ahead, barely visible in the rain-swept fogged plastic of the aft canopy, the dark gray shape of the carrier Shaoguan materialized out of the clouds, the deck of the ship seeming impossibly small in the vast waters below.

Behind them, the sage continued his chant, reciting slokas upon slokas, the mantras seeming to change the very texture of the air they breathed, infusing their lungs with raw, pure energy drawn down from the akasa to replace the foul atmosphere of the Bhayanak-van.

There was an Armiger, the rust red of his helm and the black of his cloak seeming somehow dusty, even at that distance.

Through seeming flight, The Shadow was seeking the only course by which he might nullify the catastrophe that would otherwise mean final doom for the prisoners within the Aureole Mine!

Those were always remarkably alike, every one seeming to be owned by a widow lady of formidable dimensions and creaking corsets, commanding a staff that consisted of her numerous beefy daughters.

She waited in the seeming relaxation that made the Bene Gesserit-trained so terrifying in combat.

The forty-foot barrels of the nine-inch guns moved restlessly, seeming to sniff for their prey, and the Blucher raced on, lifting a hissing white wave at her bows, vibrating and shuddering to the thrust of her engines as they built up to full speed.

From time to time, at the edges of his field of vision, Mondaugen would see small scurrying bands of Bondels, seeming almost to merge with the twilight, moving in and out of the small settlement in every direction.

James watched, fascinated, as the duke tapped his fingertips together, his dark eyes seeming to stare at a delicate Dresden figure atop the buhl cabinet in the corner.

I pretended to be perfectly indifferent about Chullunder Ghose, standing silently beside him while they tied his leg to mine and seeming not to notice when they beat him until he yelled because he pulled his leg away when the rope touched the skin it had chafed the day before.

She put on her clothes in seeming oblivion that I was a man, but without shewing any sights that could be called indecent.

For all his seeming nonchalance he was watching Cumshaw intently, and he saw him give an almost imperceptible start.

And when the evenings grew cool, there were the books that Mr Cupples foraged for in Glamerton, seeming to find them by the scent.