vb. (obsolete spelling of seek English)
Usage examples of "seeke".
I beeing thus taken, with extreame compulsion, I was bolde with an vnaccustomed admyration, dilligently to looke vpon her rare shape, and louely features, my eyes making themselues the swallowing whirlpooles of her incomparable beautie: and they were no sooner opened, hotly to take in the sweete pleasure of her so benigne and conspicuous presence, but they were strengthened for euer, to hold with them solaciously agreeing, the assembly of all my other captiued sences, that from her and no other, I did seeke the mittegation and quenching of my amorous flames.
To whom it was declared that the most valiant was murdred and slaine in divers manners, whereupon he perswaded them to remit all their affaires a certaine season, and to seeke for other fellowes to be in their places, that by the exercise of new lads, the terror of their martiall band might be reduced to the old number, assuring them that such as were unwilling, might be compelled by menaces and threatnings, and such as were willing might be incouraged forward with reward.
And Tyb my wife, that, as her lyfe, Loveth well good ale to seeke, Full oft drynkes shee, tyll ye may see, The teares run downe her cheeke.
THE FOURTH BOOKE THE EIGHTEENTH CHAPTER How Apuleius thinking to eat Roses, was cruelly beaten by a Gardener, and chased by dogs When noone was come, that the broyling heate of the sunne had most power, we turned into a village to certaine of the theeves acquaintance and friends, for verily their meeting and embracing together did give me, poore asse, cause to deeme the same, and they tooke the trusse from my backe, and gave them part of the Treasure which was in it, and they seemed to whisper and tell them that it was stollen goods, and after that we were unladen of our burthens, they let us loose in a medow to pasture, but myne own horse and Miloes Asse would not suffer me to feed there with them, but I must seeke my dinner in some other place.
Whereunto the drowsie Hostler half asleepe, and turning on the other side, answered, What know I whether you have murthered your Companion whom you brought in yesternight, or no, and now seeke the means to escape away?
I have ill pleased, behold now they foreshew their owne destinie: sleepe carelesse, dreame that thou art in the hands of the mercifull, for I will not hurt thee with thy sword or any other weapon: God forbid that I should slay thee as thou slewest my husband, but thy eies shall faile thee, and thou shalt see no more, then that whereof thou dreamest: Thou shalt thinke the death of thine enemie more sweet then thy life: Thou shalt see no light, thou shalt lacke the aide of a leader, thou shalt not have me as thou hopest, thou shalt have no delight of my marriage, thou shalt not die, and yet living thou shalt have no joy, but wander betweene light and darknesse as an unsure Image: thou shalt seeke for the hand that pricked out thine eies, yet shalt thou not know of whom thou shouldest complaine: I will make sacrifice with the bloud of thine eies upon the grave of my husband.
In the meane season Psyches hurled her selfe hither and thither, to seeke her husband, the rather because she thought that if he would not be appeased with the sweet flattery of his wife, yet he would take mercy on her at her servile and continuall prayers.
Whereunto the drowsie Hostler half asleepe, and turning on the other side, answered, What know I whether you have murthered your Companion whom you brought in yesternight, or no, and now seeke the means to escape away?
Then Psyches travelled about in the countrey to seeke her husband Cupid, hut he was gotten into his mothers chamber and there bewailed the sorrowful wound which he caught by the oyle of a burning lamp.
Such as Diana by the sandie shoreOf swift Eurotas, or on Cynthus greene,Where all the Nymphes haue her vnwares forlore,Wandreth alone with bow and arrowes keene,To seeke her game: Or as that famous QueeneOf Amazons, whom Pyrrhus did destroy,The day that first of Priame she was seene,Did shew her selfe in great triumphant ioy,To succour the weake state of sad afflicted Troy.
Him therefore now the obiect of his spightAnd deadly food he makes: him to offendBy forged treason, or by open fightHe seekes, of all his drift the aymed end:Thereto his subtile engins he does bendHis practick wit, and his faire filed tong,With thousand other sleights: for well he kend,His credit now in doubtfull ballaunce hong.
As you in woods and wanton wildernesseYour glory set, to chace the saluage beasts,So my delight is all in ioyfulnesse,In beds, in bowres, in banckets, and in feasts:And ill becomes you with your loftie creasts,To scorne the ioy, that Ioue is glad to seeke.
Amongst the rest, which in that space befell,There came two Springals of full tender yeares,Farre thence from forrein land, where they did dwell,To seeke for succour of her and of her PearesWith humble prayers and intreatfull teares.
Such whenas Archimago them did view,He weened well to worke some vncouth wile,Eftsoones vntwisting his deceiptfull clew,He gan to weaue a web of wicked guile,And with faire countenance and flattring stile,To them approching, thus the knight bespake:Faire sonne of Mars, that seeke with warlike spoile.
Who when as now long time he lacked hadThe good Sir Calepine, that farre was strayd,Did wexe exceeding sorrowfull and sad,As he of some misfortune were afrayd:And leauing there this Ladie all dismayd,Went forth streightway into the forrest wyde,To seeke, if he perchance a sleepe were layd,Or what so else were vnto him betyde:He sought him farre and neare, yet him no where he spyde.