Crossword clues for seedsman
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Seedsman \Seeds"man\, n.; pl. Seedsmen (-men).
A sower; one who sows or scatters seed.
The seedsman Upon the slime and ooze scatters his grain.
--Shak. A person who deals in seeds.
n. 1 One who sows seeds. 2 A dealer in seed.
n. a dealer in seeds [syn: seedman]
Usage examples of "seedsman".
Samson was a west country seedsman and sportsman, who loved a good song, a social glass, and relished a shot so well that he expressed a wish to die and be buried in the moors.
It was for embezzling the sum of twenty--two shillings and fourpence, which had been entrusted to him when he was an apprentice for his master, who was a market gardener, seedsman and florist.
Several years ago a Boston seedsman imported a lot of cabbage seed from Europe, under the name of Early Brunswick Short Stemmed.
He went in and got a number of the catalogues and other advertisements, and addressed them then and there, in a wrapper the seedsman gave him, to Miss Barbara F.
Langbourne, and begged to know from him whether the seedsman in question was reliable: it was so difficult to get garden seeds that one could trust.
Pumblechook’s premises in the High-Street of the market town, were of a peppercorny and farinaceous character, as the premises of a corn-chandler and seedsman should be.