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n. (plural of seedling English)

Seedlings (gumball)

Seedlings are a type of gumball that contain many small multicolored sprinkle-like candies. Seedlings are shaped like lemons and other fruits, and are often retailed in bulk vending machines.

Category:Chewing gum

Seedlings (film)

Seedlings (, meaning "A Moment") is a 2013 Pakistani Urdu-language social/ drama film directed by Mansoor Mujahid and produced by Meher Jaffri. The film stars leading Pakistani TV actors Mohib Mirza and Aamina Sheikh. The film was released in Pakistan ( Karachi) on 20 September 2013. It also had its world premiere in the United States at the New York Film Festival.

Usage examples of "seedlings".

The cabbage was one of the first plants, the seedlings of which were observed by us, and we did not then know how far the circumnutation of the different parts was affected by light.

Even the stems of seedlings before they have broken through the ground, as well as their buried radicles, circumnutate, as far as the pressure of the surrounding earth permits.

With respect to the periodical movements of the cotyledons, those of several young seedlings formed together at 4 P.

The regular periodicity of these movements is destroyed, as we shall hereafter see, if the seedlings are kept in the dark.

Our observations were not very successful, as the seedlings are strongly heliotropic, and their circumnutation could not be accurately observed near a northeast window, although they had been kept during the previous day in the same position.

We may also conclude from these and the previous observations, that the seedlings of Phalaris in breaking through the surface of the soil circumnutate as much as the surrounding pressure will permit.

Secondly, with the radicles of seedlings, the tip is sensitive to various stimuli, especially to very slight pressure, and when thus excited, transmits an influence to the upper part, causing it to bend from the pressed side.

These seedlings had stood for two days in the same position before a northeast window.

Young seedlings were therefore kept in complete darkness except for a minute or two during each observation, when they were illuminated by a small wax taper held almost vertically above them.

The cotyledons of one of these seedlings moved downward in the morning till 11.

Two other seedlings were observed, and behaved during three days in a closely similar manner.

The seedlings were again placed in darkness for another hour, and the apex now crossed two divisions in 6 m.

For instance, six seedlings in the greenhouse had their cotyledons partially open for the first time on the morning of November 15th, and at 8.

The figures described by the other two seedlings resembled to a certain extent the one here given.

In other seedlings the difference in length between the two leaves was as 3 to 2, or as 4 to 3, or as only .