See'n'Report is a community-powered news service and website launched in June 2008. It is Pakistan's first citizen journalism service. See’n’Report empowers the average person to report pictures and videos of events they witness as they happen. The platform has brought a lot of news to the eyes of the general public during many socio-political events of the country, including the Lawyers' Movement and the 2010 floods. The portal allows its users to submit news, blogs, and cover events.
See'n'Report was founded by Adil Qureshi, Yaser Amir Awan, Sharjeel Ahmed Qureshi and Dr. Umar Saif. See'n'Report's platform is now used by leading news and television channels in Pakistan (and elsewhere) to run citizen journalism initiatives, including Geo TV (GeoDost) and Samaa TV (iSamaa).