Office Of Public Sector Information, the
private sector
▪ pay increases in the private sector
public sector
▪ a job in the public sector
the commercial sector (=the business part of the economy)
▪ The commercial sector sponsors sport.
the corporate sector (=the area of business involving big companies)
▪ The UK corporate sector is highly competitive.
the leisure industry/sector
▪ The leisure sector has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years.
the voluntary sector (=voluntary work and the people involved in it)
▪ What is the role of the voluntary sector in sport?
▪ Of additional interest are increases in the demand for agricultural products from other producers within the agricultural sector.
▪ Nationally, unequal terms of trade between the agricultural and industrial sectors serve to subsidize manufacturing.
▪ Drought has caused further problems in the agricultural sector, both for domestic consumption and exports.
▪ It is relevant to the agricultural sector and there are several references to environmental considerations in the draft proposal.
▪ The problems faced by the agricultural sector were offset by continued growth in the non-traditional manufacturing areas such as garments.
▪ This shifted the terms of trade between the manufacturing and agricultural sectors in favour of the former.
▪ One of the problems is that once the commercial sector has been legitimated, it is difficult to limit its growth.
▪ This is achieved by professional workshops where students working in groups address problems taken from industrial, commercial and public sector organizations.
▪ The government believes that the informal, voluntary and commercial sectors should substitute for the state in welfare provision.
▪ If local authorities are to provide less, then the informal, voluntary and commercial sectors will need to provide more.
▪ The commercial sports sector consists of the sports goods sector and the sports services sector.
▪ Although some of this goes to the government and voluntary sectors, most of it goes to the commercial sports sector.
▪ Although the voluntary sector still possesses a relative production cost advantage over the commercial sector, this advantage is narrowing.
▪ A member of the mineral trade association is being sought to ensure that there is also adequate linkage with the commercial sector.
▪ There will be no outcry from the corporate sector about the disarray in the accountancy profession.
▪ Hence, everyone is financially vulnerable and insecure except those close to the center of the corporate sector.
▪ As remarked earlier, to treat the corporate sector as acting perfectly competitively is a particularly unsatisfactory assumption.
▪ Lower interest rates designed to pep up the corporate sector threaten to add more fuel to the consumer boom.
▪ This extreme version of the distrust of government has often been manipulated by the corporate sector to block passage of government regulation.
▪ So we are now getting it back into the corporate sector.
▪ For example, the modelling of the corporate sector, particularly allowing for imperfect competition, is likely to pose formidable problems.
▪ This study examines the relationships between different sectors of the local economy, especially the nature and permeability of sector boundaries.
▪ In 1997, find opportunities in different sectors.
▪ Was it universally backward or were there variations between different sectors and branches of industry?
▪ The major techniques Different public sector organizations adopt different accounting practices.
▪ Tradeoffs between different sectors of the economy have also become more expensive and more painful in their consequences.
▪ Physical frailty and disability varies across the different sectors, being least in public residential homes and highest in a hospital long-stay population.
▪ Discussion Unbiased estimates of dependency levels in the different sectors can be achieved only by high enumeration and response rates.
▪ But, the lessons are more subtle than the direct borrowing of the approach and importing it into different service sectors.
▪ Most of the damage was again done in the financial sector, where worries about scandals and the recession abound.
▪ The financial sector prepared itself for full deregulation and open competition with foreign institutions.
▪ In the first six weeks of this year, 10,500 redundancies were announced in the United Kingdom financial sector.
▪ Thursday's edition contains a mixture of jobs in science, computing, technology, and the financial and business sectors.
▪ But it is also the case that the financial sector has encouraged people to borrow more money.
▪ The long slow process of deregulating the financial sector in fundamental ways is also coming unstuck.
▪ However, the company believes it is also one of the largest outsourcing contracts in the financial services sector.
▪ The same dominance of traditional companies was seen in the financial services sector.
▪ The independent record sector barely existed, and recording was the concern only of established studios.
▪ So where does this leave the independent sector?
▪ Local authorities will be expected to make maximum use of the independent sector. 4.
▪ We shall continue to encourage the development of childcare arrangements in the voluntary and independent sectors.
▪ State schools, she declared, had much to learn from the independent sector.
▪ The lack of strong leadership in the independent sector reflected the absence of any new producer talent.
▪ A third priority raised is contracting with the independent sector.
▪ It didn't, but it is almost exclusively an independent sector these days.
▪ The programme has not recognised the vital role that chemistry plays across most industrial sectors.
▪ The prospects in the process heat industrial sector are approximately as good as in the boiler industrial sector.
▪ For example, employment in plants in a given industrial sector could halve while productivity tripled.
▪ She will concentrate on securing and managing opportunities in the retail, leisure, office and industrial sectors.
▪ Unemployment is rising, with the industrial sector expected to contract by 20 percent this year.
▪ Agriculture has also provided the expanding industrial and tertiary sectors with their labour force.
▪ Huge industrial sectors built up in the 70s and 80s-including petroleum, telecommunications and automobiles-will be especially vulnerable.
▪ Within the All-Share companies are allocated to 39 industrial sectors.
▪ The Right had recognized the informal sector.
▪ The informal sector More often than not community care means care by families - especially nuclear families.
▪ The term informal sector has become widely used.
▪ For example, of those who need help with shopping 85 percent receive this from the informal sector.
▪ What are the characteristics of the informal sector?
▪ Beyond this universal benefit lie the discretionary sources of help from the informal and formal sectors of welfare.
▪ Linked to this, is the absence of foreign ownership within the informal sector, the entrepreneurs and pedlars are local people.
▪ In terms of the size of the contribution, then, it is the informal sector which is the mainstay of community care.
▪ A large service sector and a small manufacturing sector inhibit growth in the economy.
▪ In many of the large public sector industries, major investments in ReD are a relatively new phenomenon.
▪ Though not large, this sector of the church is qualitatively important.
▪ Sport is not the largest sector of the leisure industry, but it is among the fastest growing.
▪ Second, the development of advanced capitalism produced both a large oligopolistic business sector and a large oligopolistic labour union movement.
▪ Yet a large public sector appeared to be an almost inevitable part of the modern economy.
▪ Despite high unemployment in some areas there were large openings in sectors such as the electronics and engineering industries in the south.
▪ Third, a large public sector aids economic decline since it does not create wealth whereas the private sector does.
▪ Several of the issues discussed have implications for the manufacturing sector.
▪ The weak domestic manufacturing sector is reeling too: 150 factories closed last year, laying off 30,000 workers.
▪ It is still too early, however, to predict that recovery is under way in the manufacturing sector.
▪ Such expenditures create new barriers to competition and serve to concentrate service industries, just as many manufacturing sectors have experienced.
▪ The ultimate beneficiaries of these programmes are employers, in all disciplines and in both the manufacturing and service sectors.
▪ It is particularly keen to help the manufacturing sector, which has been decimated over the past 12 years.
▪ Is he further aware that since 1979, 2 million of our fellow citizens have lost their jobs in the manufacturing sector?
▪ It does not disappear from the monetary sector.
▪ Its function as banker to the government and to the monetary sector.
▪ As we have seen above, discount houses and other members of the monetary sector have substantial short-term funds lent to each other.
▪ Firstly, that the monetary sector can expand its assets and liabilities up to a limit imposed by its available reserves.
▪ Under the 1979 and 1987 Banking Acts, a monetary sector was defined.
▪ We now consider the sector which comprises institutions other than those in the monetary sector.
▪ The monetary sector now comprises those institutions subject to the Bank's supervisory powers under the 1987 Banking Act.
▪ The upper graph shows the economy's initial general equilibrium position in the real and monetary sectors.
▪ Second, architects were not permitted to form joint practices with other sectors of the building industry.
▪ The other significant sector is Mechanical engineering, with Grampian exports amounting to 17% of the national figure.
▪ In 1989/90, that trend continued, but growth also occurred in all other sectors.
▪ In many other sectors of low pay, however, the level of pay is reflected in low productivity.
▪ However, this settlement appeared to encourage workers in other sectors.
▪ Hitherto the work in schools, as in other sectors, has concentrated on the retrieval of information.
▪ The need to become confident in one's knowledge about other phases and sectors of education can create stress.
▪ But, in the policy on nationalities, hypocrisy was no more extreme than in other sectors of policy.
▪ The importance of building society deposits as assets of the personal sector is very clear.
▪ But an equally significant problem may well be the behaviour of the personal sector - people.
▪ However, these developments are likely to take time to feed through into lower corporate liquidations and personal sector mortgage defaults.
▪ Loans are used to meet the financial needs of the business and personal sectors when cash expenditure exceeds cash income.
▪ Their business now is to provide banking and financial services to the corporate as opposed to personal sectors.
▪ We shall also study company sector decisions in relation to capital spending and personal sector decisions in relation to savings.
▪ Both the assets and the liabilities of the personal sector have been rising rapidly over the past ten years.
▪ First, to study in great detail the take-up by the personal sector of National Savings.
▪ Going back into the private sector I was very keen to become a pluralist.
▪ Yet we know that monopoly in the private sector protects inefficiency and inhibits change.
▪ He is convinced that the private sector is interested.
▪ This increase was exclusively confined to the private sector which recorded a massive 115 percent increase in the number accommodated.
▪ My response is, he is not working in the private sector and he is not working any harder than I am.
▪ These views stress the difficulty of harmonizing essentially private sector norms with traditional public sector concepts and constitutional requirements.
▪ So you need the school system, you need government agencies, and you need the private sector.
▪ We need to look elsewhere, therefore, to understand how public sector auditing differs from private sector auditing.
▪ Ronald Reagan often argued that by cutting public sector spending, we could liberate voluntary efforts from the oppressive arm of government.
▪ Beyond the public sector, the cave becomes increasingly difficult, and is accessible only to experts.
▪ The private-sector contribution to these schemes was intended to be several times larger than that of the public sector.
▪ But the £1.7 billion cross-London Crossrail line would be reconsidered as a possible joint venture between the public and private sectors.
▪ In other words, the decline in profits preceded rather than followed the expansion of the public sector as regards both employment and expenditure.
▪ What conclusions should we draw as feminists concerning housing policy in the public sector, and what demands should we make?
▪ It certainly has in other retail sectors.
▪ The majority are adult women workers in below-average-income families laboring in unskilled jobs, often in the retail sector.
▪ Rising capital growth also helped the retail sector retain its high return of 10.9 percent, again with rentals holding steady.
▪ Just because you shop at the local indoor mall does not make you an expert on the retail sector of the economy.
▪ If this trend continues, building societies are poised to provide a greater competitive challenge to the retail banking sector. 2.
▪ Specialty retailers' weakness reflected the widespread problems throughout the retail sector.
▪ The one buoyant retail sector has been food, but few department stores sell much of that.
▪ There was no respite for the beleaguered retail sector.
▪ But although he learnt such skills as writing feasibility studies, he soon tired of life in the grant-aided voluntary sector.
▪ The contracting culture should mean greater opportunities for voluntary sector providers, but Mussenden identifies problems.
▪ If local authorities are to provide less, then the informal, voluntary and commercial sectors will need to provide more.
▪ Weisbrod argued that two factors are particularly relevant to the stimulation of voluntary sector activity.
▪ This means that if the voluntary sector does not take action, virtually nothing gets done.
▪ In the voluntary sector, the diversity is even more striking.
▪ Also included are summaries which discuss particular experiences from many areas of the voluntary sector.
▪ In practice this is rarely achieved by health services and local authorities and almost never includes private and voluntary sectors.
▪ There are two important distinctions to be made in the type of business done in the banking sector.
▪ Sydney: Continued activity in the banking sector helped the All Ordinaries index to close 7.4 points higher at 1,743.4.
▪ It is responsible for ensuring the smooth working of the banking sector and other financial institutions.
▪ If this trend continues, building societies are poised to provide a greater competitive challenge to the retail banking sector. 2.
▪ It is clear that for the banking sector as a whole, foreign currency business predominates.
▪ The figures also show the fact that the growth of foreign currency business has been primarily located in the wholesale banking sector.
▪ The initial increase in liquidity from the sale of government securities to the banking sector is given by item 1.
▪ It will be seen that the bulk of the funding for the discount market comes from banking sector institutions.
▪ In the business sector, the users' needs approach to accounting theory has been adopted in a number of authoritative statements.
▪ Wilson noted that California has been adding more manufacturing jobs, despite a nationwide decline in this business sector.
▪ Geographical organisations would still operate the railway, but their role was to supply train services to the business sectors.
▪ Operational functions have been entirely subsumed into the business sectors.
▪ This has made possible completely new systems of communications, command, and control within the business sector.
▪ Almost every business sector lacked specialist and well-qualified staff.
▪ During his budget speech Acharya also announced plans to privatize much of the business sector.
▪ Sceptical, I quickly learnt, is not considered an asset in the low-wage service sector.
▪ Huge growth in the service sector is largely dependent on people and not machines.
▪ A three year programme of four linked projects will investigate small services sector firms in five types of local economy in Britain.
▪ Jobs in technological fields generally receive higher salaries than jobs in the human services sector.
▪ Another irony is that the service sector needs inflation.
▪ Real income growth is rising, but the number of high-paying jobs is shrinking with expansion of the service sector.
▪ Again the gains were mainly in the service sector: factory jobs fell by 112,000, 90,000 of those in car companies.
▪ The sheer scale of the service sector has made it the focus for attack by the proponents of the de-industrialisation thesis.
▪ Jobs in the state sector are allocated by examination, but in reality the system is riddled with nepotism and clientism.
▪ The changes in the state sector before the 1980s have occurred in a relatively piecemeal fashion.
▪ Little of the banking industry remains in the state sector.
▪ Preobrazhensky attempted to define some optimum rate of primitive socialist accumulation for the state sector in an abstract manner.
▪ The state sector could, if it wished, make a good deal more use of voluntary help.
▪ Teachers in state schools must adopt some of these selling techniques if history is to flourish in the state sector.
▪ They legislate from a distance and don't trust their own children to the state sector.
▪ Average income in the private sector is probably about three times that in the state sector, but no one knows for sure.
▪ Of the three information technology sectors telecommunications services was pack leader with 7.7% turnover growth and 13.1% median pre-tax growth.
▪ Much of the technology sector feels about the same way these days.
▪ Healthy results from Yahoo!, the internet sector leader, failed to lift the gloom in the technology sector.
▪ In addition to investor skittishness over the impeachment threat, the technology sector plunged for the third consecutive day.
▪ The technology sector has been caught out once and is determined not to be so again.
▪ Nielsen Media Research, provides information services for broadcasters; and Gartner Group, provides advisory services in the technology sector.
▪ Several analysts said the correction that has rocked the technology sector since the summer may finally be near an end.
▪ Stocks sold off sharply amid fears of disappointing earnings in the technology sector as well as continued concerns over the budget stalemate.
▪ The number of firms in the manufacturing sector has been so far taken as given.
▪ But in fact, most of the dislocation is still occurring in the manufacturing sector.
▪ First, consider the case where the integrated 2 x 2 world economy can accommodate R firms in the manufacturing sector.
▪ A reading above 50 % indicates expansion in the manufacturing sector and a reading below 50 % indicates a contraction.
▪ Starting salaries and annual earnings in the manufacturing sector usually were somewhat higher.
▪ Durable goods, food processing and textiles, much of it for export, led the manufacturing sector.
▪ Namely the number of firms in the manufacturing sector is given for every country.
▪ An index reading below 50 means the manufacturing sector is shrinking.
the private sector
▪ Private sector housing is just too expensive for low-income families in the city at the moment.
▪ Increasingly, researchers are seeking funds from the private sector.
▪ The government is now turning to the private sector for alternative ways of dealing with the country's transportation problems.
the public sector
▪ Private sector pay increases were again above the rate of inflation.
▪ recent disturbances in the city's Christian sector
▪ The growth in the number of home computers has boosted the electronics sector.
▪ The main source of work here is public sector employment.
▪ An extra £750m will be used before the end of 1992/93 to buy up some empty properties in the owner-occupied housing sector.
▪ Because of the wide range of problems that the public sector faces there will be different approaches to planning in different situations.
▪ In 1979, 32 percent of dwellings in Great Britain were in the public sector.
▪ Only after that would they recruit from the private sector.
▪ Students have been placed throughout the United Kingdom in both the public and private sectors.
▪ The high gas prices and long lines were prolonged by government interference in the private sector.