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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Secretness \Se"cret*ness\, n.

  1. The state or quality of being secret, hid, or concealed.

  2. Secretiveness; concealment.


n. 1 quality#English of being secret. 2 (context archaic English) secrecy.

Usage examples of "secretness".

For these institutions are either the work of men or of demons,-not of those whom they call good demons, but, to speak more plainly, of unclean, and, without controversy, malign spirits, who with wonderful slyness and secretness suggest to the thoughts of the impious, and sometimes openly present to their understandings, noxious opinions, by which the human mind grows more and more foolish, and becomes unable to adapt itself to and abide in the immutable and eternal truth, and seek to confirm these opinions by every kind of fallacious attestation in their power.