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secondary infections

n. (plural of secondary infection English)

Usage examples of "secondary infections".

Others had been resuscitated and stabilized, only to succumb to secondary infections that swiftly developed into toxic shock.

Aminoglycosides should not be used to treat secondary infections because they can sometimes have the effect of enhancing the toxin-induced neuromuscular blockade.

I'm sure we can save many of those with secondary infections if we just have enough nurses.

That is, if we can keep you in your bed and prevent secondary infections.

His notes to organize, to analyze the course of the disease and the probability of dangerous secondary infections, like pneumonia and other respira- tory infections.

I know she did not believe me when I told her that death was not caused by the disease itself, but by secondary infections occurring in a patient already weakened.

Let us return to our list of symptoms that someone afflicted with the mental virus of faith, and its accompanying gang of secondary infections, may expect to experience.

This had been followed, with utter inevitability, by a whole series of secondary infections for which it had been impossible to give him antibiotics&mdash.

Itching had driven her to claw her arms and legs, where she had bled and gotten secondary infections that were crusty and swollen.

As the organism devours skin and flesh, there will be secondary infections of the open wounds by bacteria.