Sebastopolis (, "city of the Sebastos") may refer to the following cities and jurisdictions :
Sebastopolis (Thrace) (European Turkey)
- Sebastopolis in Thracia (Sanaklar), the Latin Catholic episcopal titular see in the above city
- Sebastopolis (Pontus)
- Myrina (Mysia)
- Sevastopol, on Crimea peninsula (Ukraine/Russia)
Sukhumi (Sukhum-Kale), in Abkhazia (Georgia, Caucasus)
- Sebastopolis in Abasgia, the Latin Catholic Archiepiscopal Metropolitan titular see in the above city
Sulusaray or Çiftlik, in Asian Turkey, in Antiquity also Heracleopolis
- Sebastopolis in Armenia, the Latin Catholic episcopal titular see in Armenia prima (also shortened just Sebastopolis), in the above city