card. (obsolete form of seven English)
Usage examples of "seaven".
This honest man to recompence our entertainment, promised to give my master some corne, oyle, and two bottels of wine : wherefore my master not delaying the matter, laded me with sackes and bottels, and rode to the Towne which was seaven miles off.
In the meane season this minion lover cast his wife on the bottome of the tub and had his pleasure with her over his head, and as he was in the middest of his pastime, hee turned his head on this side and that side, finding fault with this and with that, till as they had both ended their businesse, when as he delivered seaven pence for the tub, and caused the good man himselfe to carry it on his backe againe to his Inne.
Alsoe I have xxi dozen of shoes, and thirteene paire of bootes wch I give into the Companies handes for forty poundes at seaven years end if they like them at that rate.
Governes a People where six parts of seaven at least are Poore Endebted Discontented and Armed.
The next day I was carryed to the market to be sold, and my price was set at seaven pence more then Philebus gave for me.
Alsoe I have xxi dozen of shoes, and thirteene paire of bootes wch I give into the Companies handes for forty poundes at seaven years end if they like them at that rate.
Governes a People where six parts of seaven at least are Poore Endebted Discontented and Armed.
The next day I was carryed to the market to be sold, and my price was set at seaven pence more then Philebus gave for me.