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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
seating capacity (=how many seats there are in a theatre, hall etc)
▪ The largest hall in the university has a seating capacity of over 1,500.
seating/sleeping arrangements (=plans for where people will sit/sleep)
▪ What are the seating arrangements for dinner?
▪ The path leads down and around to a brick-paved seating area situated beneath a climber-covered arbour looking back towards the house.
▪ Those in the villa which houses the reception are on upper floors and therefore do not have an outside seating area.
▪ We got in to an unreserved seating area for 13 quid.
▪ The theatre is quite spectacular, with the seating arrangement and the plays performed there are of a very high standard.
▪ A student assistant could help with this. 2 To facilitate learning of student names, alphabetical seating arrangements might be desirable.
▪ I want to discuss the seating arrangements.
▪ It has the usual seating arrangement three seats across the front and bench seats along each side of the back.
▪ It is also available for conferences and other presentations requiring a seating capacity of up to 600.
▪ The scheme will nearly double the seating capacity of the stadium, creating an additional 7,650 seats.
▪ The room had seating capacity for about eighty and Mark saw that it was about half full.
▪ It had a total seating capacity of 378.
▪ They had front exits and were of slightly lower seating capacity than the E/1s.
▪ The seating capacity is in excess of 1000 and was full for the opening ceremony.
▪ And the language, like the seating, is worst in fringe comedy clubs.
▪ By comparison with trying to sleep on the cramped seating of today's long-haul flights it was luxury indeed.
▪ If storage space and seating are both at a premium, try building in boxes around the perimeter of the room.
▪ In the first class compartments the seating was two a side and in the brake third three a side.
▪ Planes, restaurants with fixed seating, cinemas and hairdressers all leave me cramped.
▪ She was surprised and sat herself down more carefully than was necessary on the stone seating.
▪ The seating in these open vehicles was two and one in the first class and the third.
▪ The theatre is quite spectacular, with the seating arrangement and the plays performed there are of a very high standard.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Seat \Seat\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Seated; p. pr. & vb. n. Seating.]

  1. To place on a seat; to cause to sit down; as, to seat one's self.

    The guests were no sooner seated but they entered into a warm debate.

  2. To cause to occupy a post, site, situation, or the like; to station; to establish; to fix; to settle.

    Thus high . . . is King Richard seated.

    They had seated themselves in New Guiana.
    --Sir W. Raleigh.

  3. To assign a seat to, or the seats of; to give a sitting to; as, to seat a church, or persons in a church.

  4. To fix; to set firm.

    From their foundations, loosening to and fro, They plucked the seated hills.

  5. To settle; to plant with inhabitants; as to seat a country. [Obs.]
    --W. Stith.

  6. To put a seat or bottom in; as, to seat a chair.


Seating \Seat"ing\ (s[=e]t"[i^]ng), n.

  1. The act of providing with a seat or seats; as, the seating of an audience.

  2. The act of making seats; also, the material for making seats; as, cane seating.


n. 1 (context uncountable English) The provision of chairs or other places for people to sit 2 (context countable English) A period of time in which a restaurant will seat guests vb. (present participle of seat English)

  1. n. an area that includes seats for several people; "there is seating for 40 students in this classroom" [syn: seats, seating room, seating area]

  2. the service of ushering people to their seats


Usage examples of "seating".

Wide, comfortable tan-colored cushions, similar in appearance and texture to the evesmol seat on Ha-Ta, covered their seating areas.

Little liking had I for seating myself within a device of city folk, yet my strength had ebbed and there was much to do.

Except for the cruciform seating arrangement and a rank of images along one wall, the place resembled an industrial lunchroom.

The other half of the seating was open to lesser prelates, faculty, priests, monks, and students, in that order of preference.

Nimmy sat surrounded by four Nomads, and it seemed to him that the others took a different seating arrangement than before.

There was a brief period of desultory chat, then Pitts herded them toward a large round table, seating Will next to him.

Ceralt with effort, seating himself upon the grass so that he might look down upon me where I lay beneath the bulk of Mehrayn, my cheek and body to the damp of the grass, striving uselessly against the strength of the male who held me.

I corrected the male, seating myself upon the softness so that I might look upon him more easily.

Aysayn when I again showed hesitation, seating himself beside me upon the floor cloth.

I said, removing my sword and seating myself upon my sleeping leather, then reaching for my pipe and sack.

We moved from the metal then, seating ourselves without speaking, and soon, perhaps, Fayan regretted her choice.

Briefly I stood watching her torment, then I walked slowly to the rear of the tent, seating myself by the post that stood there, leaning my shoulder and face upon it.

I did not care overmuch for its appearance, but such odd seating was clearly custom.

Though she had already been well briefed on who would and would not be present, the seating arrangements, and which of the delegation were figureheads, and which were the real movers and shakers in Congress, her staff could not tell her what the attitude of the senators and congressmen would be at the time of the meeting.

A pair of avocado trees and a giant dieffenbachia brought the forest inside and separated a sunken tile hot tub from a casual seating area.