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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
season ticket
▪ a season ticket to the Pasadena Playhouse
▪ Baer said season ticket holders who ordered their seats before Jan. 16 would be able buy them at 1997 prices.
▪ For £14.50 you can buy a season ticket to last four months.
▪ Meanwhile, season ticket holders will likely be listed as creditors in the team's bankruptcy filings.
▪ So if you're likely to need more than 14 items in 12 months a season ticket will save you money.
▪ Sunderland season ticket holders can buy tickets today, tomorrow and Wednesday.
season ticket

n. 1 A ticket that is valid for all of the events in a series of related events for which individual tickets would otherwise be needed. 2 A ticket that is valid for multiple rides (limited by number of rides and/or time of travel) by public transit for which individual tickets would otherwise be needed.

season ticket

n. a ticket good for several trips or to attend a season of entertainments; sold at a reduced rate [syn: commutation ticket]

Season ticket

A season ticket is a ticket that grants privileges over a defined period of time.

Usage examples of "season ticket".

The only sure loser, in the end, will be the poor bastard who buys a season ticket for the Dolphins '76 season and then picks up the Miami Herald the next day to find a red banner headline saying: GRIESE, KJICK, CSONKA, SCOTT, ANDERSON JUMP TO WFL.

Am I to inherit the Trumper empire or shall I have lo be satisfied with his season ticket to the West Ham Football Club?

He boarded the same commuter train every day, flashed his season ticket, and rode into London, descending at Vic­.

These days, he knew, university courses were increasingly focused on specific careers, whereas back then there was still an ethic of 'learning for its own sake', even if that did translate in practice into 'learning for the sake of annual metriculation and thus renewal of the cheap-drink season ticket that was student union membership'.