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vb. (context archaic English) (en-past of: search)

Usage examples of "searcht".

Sea he had searcht and Land From EDEN over PONTUS, and the Poole MAEOTIS, up beyond the River OB.

Who comming to that soule-diseased knight,Could hardly him intreat, to tell his griefe:Which knowne, and all that noyd his heauie sprightWell searcht, eftsoones he gan apply reliefeOf salues and med'cines, which had passing priefe,And thereto added words of wondrous might:By which to ease he him recured briefe,And much asswag'd the passion of his plight,That he his paine endur'd, as seeming now more light.

Which when as Archimago heard, his griefeHe knew right well, and him attonce disarmd:Then searcht his secret wounds, and made a priefeOf euery place, that was with brusing harmd,Or with the hidden fire too inly warmd.

The soueraigne weede betwixt two marbles plaineShe pownded small, and did in peeces bruze,And then atweene her lilly handes twaine,Into his wound the iuyce thereof did scruze,And round about, as she could well it vze,The flesh therewith she suppled and did steepe,T'abate all spasme, and soke the swelling bruze,And after hauing searcht the intuse deepe,She with her scarfe did bind the wound frõ cold to keepe.