Crossword clues for seamer
n. (context cricket English) A bowler skilled at making the ball to seam
Seamer may refer to:
Usage examples of "seamer".
Nemrina the weaver promised blankets, Meloni the seamer promised clothes.
Black brought up the seamer, made contact at three separated points along the cold seam.
Every coterie of seamers drifted on tethers and tried to outdo its counterparts for smoothness of joining and accuracy of component integration.
Mercers, seamers, and other merchants have not been able to sell their wares, for they have been forbidden to make or purchase such textiles as are deemed vain by Savonarola.
I started it in early summer, hired half the seamers in Vorgensburg to make surcoats and banners, but I never dreamed I would need them so soon.
She saw a repair team equipped with plasteel seamers hiking up a peg-pole.