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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
sealing wax
▪ Clean the surface Remove any old sealing compound which may be present on the bath close to the tap fixing.
▪ Equipment for dry mounting, heat sealing of photographs, etc. 4.
▪ He walked across to the window, and producing a knife ran it round the paper sealing strip, then opened it.
▪ Leifheit sealing lids, £3.60/12, jars from £1.45.
▪ The sealing of Bosnia's fate makes the people of Kosovo feel vulnerable.
▪ The new tap should be provided with a sealing washer or gasket.
▪ Their sealing efficiency should be improved by increased depth.
▪ This results from a failure in the sealing of the unit and causes condensation to build up between the panes of glass.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Seal \Seal\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Sealed; p. pr. & vb. n. Sealing.] [OE. selen; cf. OF. seeler, seieler, F. sceller, LL. sigillare. See Seal a stamp.]

  1. To set or affix a seal to; hence, to authenticate; to confirm; to ratify; to establish; as, to seal a deed.

    And with my hand I seal my true heart's love.

  2. To mark with a stamp, as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, or merchantable quality; as, to seal weights and measures; to seal silverware.

  3. To fasten with a seal; to attach together with a wafer, wax, or other substance causing adhesion; as, to seal a letter.

  4. Hence, to shut close; to keep close; to make fast; to keep secure or secret.

    Seal up your lips, and give no words but ``mum''.

  5. To fix, as a piece of iron in a wall, with cement, plaster, or the like.

  6. To close by means of a seal; as, to seal a drainpipe with water. See 2d Seal, 5.

  7. Among the Mormons, to confirm or set apart as a second or additional wife. [Utah, U.S.]

    If a man once married desires a second helpmate . . . she is sealed to him under the solemn sanction of the church.
    --H. Stansbury.


Etymology 1

  1. Used for closing securely. n. Action of the verb '''to seal''' in any sense. v

  2. (present participle of seal English) Etymology 2

    n. Hunting of seals (''the animals''). vb. (present participle of seal English)


n. the act of treating something to make it repel water [syn: waterproofing]

Sealing (Mormonism)

Sealing is an ordinance (ritual) performed in Latter Day Saint temples by a person holding the sealing authority. The purpose of this ordinance is to seal familial relationships, making possible the existence of family relationships throughout eternity. LDS teachings place great importance on the specific authority required to perform these sealings. Church doctrine teaches that this authority, called the Priesthood, corresponds to that given to Saint Peter in .

Sealings are typically performed as marriages or as sealing of children to parents. They were performed prior to the death of Joseph Smith (the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement), and are currently performed in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although some denominations, such as the Community of Christ, view sealing as an artifact of Smith's practice of plural marriage, others do still perform them.


Sealing may refer to:

  • Seal hunting, personal or commercial hunting of seals
  • Sealing (Mormonism), in Mormonism, a ritual intended to make family relationships permanent, even after death
  • Record sealing, the practice of making court records confidential
  • Induction sealing, method of heating a metal disk to hermetically seal a cap or top on a container
  • Porosity sealing, the process of filling a porous substrate to make it airtight
  • Duct sealing, the sealing of leaks in air ducts
  • Seal (emblem), applying a seal to a document for authentication

Usage examples of "sealing".

The causes of barrenness may be obliteration of the canal of the neck of the womb, sealing up of its mouth, or inflammation resulting in adhesion of the walls of the vagina, thus obstructing the passage to the uterus.

The mouth of the cave collapsed explosively, partially sealing off the opening.

He signed a release form, poured melted sealing wax on it, and stamped it with the seal of the Marquisate of London, all without a word.

And the messieurs were also kind enough to give me a tin of the sealing cement, left here by a previous balloonist.

At the moment, Sam was seated in a balloon-tired mooncar, watching as a crew sprayed liquid plastic over the walls and floor of a trench, stabilizing it against movement even under the occasional prod of a moonquake, sealing it against any possibility of leaking air.

Tuck found one more lamp and lit it, Patrel propped the kitchen door in its jamb, for the most part sealing out the wind and snow.

On the bottom other crawling machines were already waiting to put the sealing forms around the junction so the special tremie, underwater setting concrete, could be poured around the ends to join them indivisibly.

With the assembly complete, the Weisanens carefully sprayed everything, inside and out, from cylinders which Silbert recognized as containing one of the standard fluorocarbon polymers used for sealing unfindable leaks in spaceships.

The last backblast from that sealing had tainted the male half of the True Source, and men who could channel, madmen who could channel, had torn the world apart.

Propolis A collective term for the resins and waxes collected by 220 bees and brought to their nests for use in construction and in sealing fissures in the nest wall.

Two-point-five klicks west of the seawall, a band of botflies and exoskels formed a north-south line and began sealing off skyways and tunnels.

One writer, who evidently has not read Poilane, recommends tying plastic bags round the handles of your water faucets to avoid sealing them closed when the dough from your hands dries and hardens on them.

Gradually, the dwarves were building walls of fire, sealing off every approach.

Bridge enviro was supposed to be the most secure, sealing itself under red alert conditions.

The log was routine stuff: ice melt rate, fissure and fracture estimate, linear meters of refrigeration shaft excavated and filled, condition of the Flettner sails, harness, towing cables, and Ultravac sealing, personnel changes, sick list, and the like.