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n. A foam created by the agitation of seawater.

Usage examples of "seafoam".

Working from the top down, I felt the grainy coolness of the sand beneath my hands, smelled the sharp odor of seafoam that carried on the breeze.

She kicked off her pumps and dug her cramped toes into the plush seafoam green carpet.

Most of them were walking, but others pedaled bicycles with tires made from rubberized seafoam polymer.

Do you step naked into the seafoam, chanting ecstatically to your nameless goddess while the waves lick at your legs, lapping your thighs like the tongues of a thousand leopards?

The long hallway down the center of the building opened to room after room of seafoam green walls, institutional gray linoleum tile floors, and rickety old beds that squeaked every time the side rails were raised or lowered.

The first organic cells had evolved from an mixture of complex inorganic compounds and bubbled seafoam that was trapped in the upper layer of the primordial seas of the planet Earth.

The fact that he had risen on the seafoam three days later, like Venus or Christ, was beside the point and out of the history books altogether.

Below he could just make out the washy seafoam, pale against the black water.

The address Dugger had given for Motivational Associates matched a one-story, seafoam green stucco structure near the corner of Balboa East and A Street.

Plush carpet, grasscloth walls, and raw silk draperies were in pale seafoam green, accented with eighteenth-century mahogany furniture and benign oil paintings in expensive frames.

The tiles, floor, and walls were of a soft seafoam green, so it seemed you were in some lovely underwater fantasy.

Blood had spurted, showered, streamed on gleaming tiles of ivory and seafoam green.