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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scutellate \Scu"tel*late\, Scutellated \Scu"tel*la`ted\, a. [L. scutella a dish, salver. Cf. Scuttle a basket.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) Formed like a plate or salver; composed of platelike surfaces; as, the scutellated bone of a sturgeon.

  2. [See Scutellum.] (Zo["o]l.) Having the tarsi covered with broad transverse scales, or scutella; -- said of certain birds.


a. scutellate

Usage examples of "scutellated".

Shad watched the scutellated humpback sink, and then heard the air around him go mad for a moment as limpkins, bitterns, ibises, jorees and ducks took off screaming and flapping.