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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Scuffler \Scuf"fler\, n.

  1. One who scuffles.

  2. An agricultural implement resembling a scarifier, but usually lighter.


n. 1 One who scuffles. 2 An agricultural implement resembling a scarifier, but usually lighter.


A scuffler is a word in Yorkshire dialect originating from the Castleford area meaning a large bread cake. This bread is always baked in a roughly triangular shape and is similar to the Northern stottie, but lighter.

Always baked in triangular shapes, Scufflers often have a small amount of flour on the top.

Usage examples of "scuffler".

Young lads of that age were scufflers and squirmers at table in the company she knew.

He was on friendly terms with all the neighborhood hustlers and scufflers, the numbers writers and unlicensed hooch sellers, the professional females and dice-table bankers.

A knot of onlookers had formed around the scufflers, and he plowed into their midst, elbowing them aside.

I’d been foxed once or twice by scufflers who melted away while I was concentrating on a spider or a housecat.

But the human security personnel were there instantly, escorting the scufflers away from the building.