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scrub nurse

n. (label en colloquial) A nurse that handles instruments to the surgeon during an operation.

scrub nurse

n. a nurse who helps a surgeon prepare for surgery

Usage examples of "scrub nurse".

Jeffrey turned to catch the eye of the scrub nurse, but she was still busy setting up.

At last it was free, and Mannerheim lifted the piece of the brain out of Lisa's skull and dropped it into a stainless steel dish held by Darlene Cooper, the scrub nurse.

Darlene Cooper, another scrub nurse, who was already gowned and gloved, reached into the sterile instruments and began to arrange them on a tray.

Another scrub nurse, the circulating nurse, the anesthesiologist, and his nurse also waited for the procedure to begin.

The anesthesiologist was sitting at the patient's head, two surgeons were standing on either side of the table, a scrub nurse perched on a footstool and there was one circulating nurse.

The scrub nurse slapped the scalpel with the appropriate blade into his waiting palm.

Kim Reggis said, as he handed his needle holder to the scrub nurse and straightened up to relieve the stiffness in his back.

The anesthetist, the scrub nurse, the circulating nurse, even Rudy flinched from the glare.

Assuming the worst, which is the only sane way to function in Miami, the nurse immediately declared a Code Orange and scrambled every available surgeon, anesthesiologist, scrub nurse, and lab tech in the hospital.