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scrub in

vb. (context healthcare English) To thoroughly wash one's hands and forearms in preparation for performing a surgery.

Usage examples of "scrub in".

The faint dirt tracks braided their way along the dunes and through the scrub in startling confusion.

Both contingents had been sent to the middle ring of the three that Bruno had drawn round Puigpunyent, there to patrol the near-impassable scrub in the days and spend their nights sweltering in the heat that baked up from the scorched ground.

He led at full run, hurdling the low thorn scrub in his path, relying only on his own speed to survive the first volley when they made the contact, knowing that even if the terrs took him out he could leave Esau Gondele and his men to finish it for him.

There was not a tree, not even any scrub in which he could have hidden himself.

She didn't scrub in frequently, and when she plunged her fingers into the gloves she caught her hand, missing one of the finger slots and putting two fingers in another.

We gave it a good scrub in what was left of your bathwater, and it's hanging out of the infirmary windowr to dry.