Crossword clues for scroungy
a. (context slang English) dirty or shabby
Usage examples of "scroungy".
But also many houses where nothing was cooking, where no one was laughing or even talking, dark rooms full of weary faces and scroungy dogs.
It was one of the underpass kids, the scroungy runaways I kept my distance from.
They, whoever they might turn out to be, would have leisure to compare the style in which Castle Bright-water did these things with their scroungy brigand on a mangy rented Mule.
No one would dream that a scroungy ragbag like him would dare touch a single flower otherwise.
Jack tipped his scroungy hat again and took his leave, coasting off toward the bottom in a cloud of dust, the echo of his tinware trailing behind.
The scroungy one is supposed to be the only one who can use that Alfar sword you took away.
What the hell good is it to know about saber-teeth or some bunch of scroungy dooic ten miles from the nearest fields?
Her clientele included scroungy locals, just plain folks, and the slumming rich.
I'm the mayor, but I'm the mayor of a dirt poor, scroungy, Appalachian coal town.
Damnit, you couldn't have flag officers in their mess dress sitting out there with two scroungy enlisted men in battle dress--especially those confounded chameleons--bringing up the rear!