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n. 1 The act of one who scrounges. 2 (context in the plural English) Material that has been scrounged. vb. (present participle of scrounge English)

Usage examples of "scrounging".

Since most of his troops were scrounging ammunition, patching wounds and preparing for the next heavy assault they did not have time to deal with harassment.

That meant that the chances of her finding a parking space, scrounging around the backseat for an umbrella, getting out of the car and walking me all the way to the studio door were exactly nil.

Pursuits like scrounging around in the freshly unfrozen ground to find the first buds of spring for her collection.

But Lieutenant Rossi was not too proud to do some scrounging and nailing, if it would give him a ceiling.

MacMillan was not over endowed with brains, but he knew how to keep his mouth shut, and there was no question about his scrounging ability.

When he thought about it, he realized that he should have known that if MacMillan could scrounge entire helicopters, he would have no trouble scrounging parts to keep them flying.

He'd paid them back for their care by sharing the scroungings that Benito gave him and writing down Chiano's "prophecies.